Via ready-to-use Dutch Open Geospatial datasets are offered. These include Topography (BRT, BGT), Adresses and Buildings (BAG) and Cadastral Parcels (BRK). - some of the datasets offered

Why? Most of the Open Geospatial Datasets provided by the Dutch government (mostly via Dutch Kadaster/PDOK ) are in an interchange format called "GML". Many parties find this format hard to process. Via the Open Source project NLExtract we have been providing ETL-tools to convert these datasets to "chewable" formats like PostGIS, GeoPackage and CSV. Still this may be a bridge too far for some. Hence we provide the datasets already converted to these formats. At reasonable prices!

There is a (CKAN-based) GeoCatalogue and we provide a Helpdesk and a regular Newsletter . All in Dutch btw.

Notifications, mainly new datasets, for are still on Twitter/X: