
Below a selection of various talks, presentations and workshops by Just starting from the most recent to as far as 1996 (!). Some slides are on [Slideshare]

"Basisregistraties en OpenStreetMap mixen voor map5topo kaarten" - FOSS4G-BE-NL - Baarle - Sept 26, 2024 - [PDF Slides] .

"Melting Dutch open data and OpenStreetMap into a single schema" - MaptimeAMS - End of Summer Meetup - Sept 19, 2024 - [PDF Slides] .

"Travel with Locative Media" - MaptimeAMS - Summertime Meetup - July 11, 2024 - [PDF Slides] .

"pygeoapi mid-year update 2024" - with Tom Kralidis a.o. - FOSS4GE 2024, Tartu, Estonia - July 3, 2024 - [HTML Slides] - [Abstract] .

"Diving into pygeoapi" - FOSS4GE 2024, Tartu, Estonia - July 2, 2024 - Workshop (4h): using pygeoapi to cover publishing geospatial data to the Web, and using the API from QGIS, OWSLib and a web browser - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"Doing Geospatial in Python" - FOSS4GE 2024, Tartu, Estonia - July 2, 2024 - Workshop (4h): introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, GeoPandas and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain. - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"map5topo - A New&Fresh Topographic Map of The Netherlands" - MaptimeAMS - Mapping the Future - October 12, 2023 - [PDF Slides] .

"map5topo - een nieuwe, frisse topokaart van Nederland" - FOSS4GNL Middelburg - September 14, 2023 - [PDF Slides] .

"OpenStreetMap: Slim de kaart editen met apps!" - Met Casper Kersten - FOSS4GNL Middelburg - September 13, 2023 - [Workshop Website] - [PDF Slides] .

"GeoHealthCheck - A Quality of Service Monitor for Geospatial Web Services" - with Tom Kralidis - FOSS4G 2023 - June 30, 2023 - [HTML Slides] - [Abstract] .

"pygeoapi project status 2023" - with Tom Kralidis a.o. - FOSS4G 2023 - June 30, 2023 - [HTML Slides] - [Abstract] .

"Diving into pygeoapi" - FOSS4G 2023 - June 27, 2023 - Workshop (4h): using pygeoapi to cover publishing geospatial data to the Web, and using the API from QGIS, OWSLib and a web browser - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"Doing Geospatial in Python" - FOSS4G 2023 - June 26, 2023 - Workshop (4h): introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, GeoPandas and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain. - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"Additions to pygeoapi for Geonovum Tender (with GeoCat) - April 20, 2023 - Online - [HTML Slides] .

"map5topo - a New Topographic Map of The Netherlands" - Geomob Barcelona - November 22, 2022 - [PDF Slides] .

"Introducing map5topo - a new Topographic Map of The Netherlands" - Information Sessions - Oktober 5+6, 2022 - Online - [PDF Slides] .

"GeoHealthCheck - A Quality of Service Monitor for Geospatial Web Services" - FOSS4G 2022 - August 24, 2022 - [HTML Slides] - [Abstract] .

"Diving into pygeoapi" - FOSS4G 2022 - August 22, 2022 - Workshop (4h): using pygeoapi to cover publishing geospatial data to the Web, and using the API from QGIS, OWSLib and a web browser - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"Doing Geospatial in Python" - FOSS4G 2022 - August 22, 2022 - Workshop (4h): introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain. - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"GitOps and Containerisation for INSPIRE - April 21, 2022 - Online - Geonovum Operationeel INSPIRE Overleg - [PDF Slides] .

"GitOps and Containerisation for INSPIRE - Automation in Building, Testing and Deployment of Software Applications - February 4, 2022 - Online - European Commission - INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Group (MIG) - 68th MIG-T Meeting - [PDF Slides] .

"Enforcing Automation in Building, Testing and Deployment of Software Applications - January 24, 2022 - Online - Emerging approaches for data-driven innovation in Europe - [PDF Slides] - [Video Recording on YouTube] .

"Ten Years of - A Story in Pictures" - De Grote Geo Show - Episode 19 (video) - December 2, 2021 - Online - [Video recording on YouTube] - [Episode Info] .

"OGC API Features" - Geonovum - Kennisplatform APIs - Dutch API Strategy - Geo-extension WG - November 24, 2021 - Online - [PDF Slides by OGC] .

"FOSS4G-NL 2021 - Closing Words" - FOSS4G-NL 2021 - Oktober 20, 2021 - Enschede - [PDF Slides] .

"Zo gemakkelijk kun je geo-webdiensten uitrollen!" - FOSS4G-NL 2021 - Oktober 20, 2021 - Enschede - [PDF Slides] .

"GeoHealthCheck - A Quality of Service Monitor for Geospatial Web Services" - FOSS4G 2021 - September 30, 2021 - [HTML Slides] - [Abstract] - [Video recording on YouTube] .

"Doing Geospatial in Python" - FOSS4G 2021 - September 28, 2021 - Workshop (4h): introduction to performing common GIS/geospatial tasks using Python geospatial tools such as OWSLib, Shapely, Fiona/Rasterio, and common geospatial libraries like GDAL, PROJ, pycsw, as well as other tools from the geopython toolchain. - [HTML Startpage] - [Abstract] .

"Geonovum OGC API Testbed" - Open Geodag 2021 - September 14, 2021 - [PDF Slides] - [Video Recording] .

"Geonovum OGC API Testbed" - DiS Online: OGC en toegankelijke APIs - September 7, 2021 - [Event en PDF Slides] .

"Read BAG (Dutch Buildings & Addresses dataset) with Docker in 5 minutes" - 2021-04-08 - De Grote Geo Show, a live-streaming webshow by Ep. 16 "GIS met je Toetsenbord". Aired on april 8, 2021. Video recording on YouTube .

" New Year's Party - Slides" - 2021-01-24 - Presentation I gave on behalf of on the online joint QGIS-NL, OpenStreetMap-NL and New Year's party on January 24, 2021.- [Slideshare]

"Just's Career Highlights" - 2020-10-01 - Interview by Jonna on De Grote Geo Show, a live-streaming webshow by Aired on oct 1, 2020. Video recording on YouTube . Some highlights of my professional career. - [Slideshare]

"Open Sensor Networks" - 2019-09-19 - Presentation on Open Sensor Networks, Smart Emission, SensorThings API, TheThingsNetwork,@pycomIOT Presented at SenseMakersAms Meetup . - [Slideshare]

"Open Sensor Networks with LoRa TTN and SensorThings API" - 2018-12-12 - Presentation at LoRaWAN TheThingsNetwork makers event (make a Pet-Tracker with LoRa) organized by Ruimteschepper at Warehouse of Innovation Eindhoven (also home to IoT Eindhoven Meetup Group). Summarizes Smart Emission architecture, thoughts on tech for Spatio-Temporal Data, Internet of Things sorry Internet of Silos. Ending with a demo on LoRaWAN TheThingsNetwork integration with the OGC SensorThings API using MQTT Bridging. - [Slideshare]

"Sensor SDI in PDOK with Smart Emission Platform" - 2018-10-31 - Presentation provided at Geo Gebruikersfestival, okt 31, 2018, Amersfoort, The Netherlands. Sketches how from several Sensor projects the Smart Emission Platform emerged and migrated to the PDOK Platform. How a next step could be be a Dutch national Sensor SDI asa a federated/distributed architecture. Special attention is given to APIs, in particular the SensorThings API. - [Slideshare]

"osgeonl-opening-foss4gnl-2018" - 2018-07-13 - Opening by me as Chair Foundation, the Dutch Local Chapter of at FOSS4GNL Conference on July 11, 2018 at Aeres Highschool, Almere, the Netherlands. - [Slideshare]

"Stetl-engine-nlextract-smartem" - 2018-07-13 - Introduces the Stetl (Streaming ETL) spatial ETL framework and its application in specific cases: Dutch National GML Dataset to PostGIS conversion and its use in the Smart Emission SensorWeb Platform. Stetl is written in Python and Open Source (GNU GPL), utilizing powerful libs like GDAl/OGR, libxml2, libxslt and Jinja2 templating. - [Slideshare]

"" - 2018-01-17 - Opening words by Just van den Broecke - Chair of Foundation, the Dutch local Chapter of on joint OpenStreetMap NL NJ Party in cafe Dudok Hilversum. Review of Events in 2017 and upcoming events in 2018, also international events. - [Slideshare]

"Opening Day 2017" - 2017-11-22 - Slides used at the opening of the Day on nov 22, 2017 at GeoBuzz in Den Bosch, The Netherlands. Note the new designs of OSGeo localized for - [Slideshare]

"ReactJS For Geospatial" - 2017-04-07 - Presentation for the JavaKnights, Describes my road through the years (since 1998) using various web-mapping/GIS JavaScript frameworks (Google Maps, ExtJS, GeoExt, Heron) . Eventually ReactJS (i.s.o. AngularJS) seems to become the next framework for Open Source geospatial (GIS) web-apps like earlier GeoExt (built on OpenLayers+ExtJS). At least, looking at some of the major web-mapping frameworks like MapStore2, Boundless-SDK and GeoMoose (v3). Leaflet, OpenLayers and/or CesiumJS are always the foundation. Some ReactJS, Flux and React-native intro included. NB GeoExt and AngularJS (Swiss Topo, ngeo) are still evolving and used (e.g. Heron, Flamingo) within Open Source web-mapping. It is up to you to evaluate all options (frameworks) and decide what fits your projects best. - [Slideshare]

"De Levenscyclus van Open Geodata met Open Source Tools" - 2017-03-15 - Presented together with Jan-Willem van Aalst and Frank Steggink at the Dutch CartoDay, March 15, 2017. See full program here: Subject was how to eventually create online topographical maps from Open but Raw datasets: how to transform (ETL), create maps (QGIS), and publish on the web using Open Source service components like MapServer and MapProxy via - [PDF Slides]

"NLExtract Project - OGT Award Pitch GeoBuzz 2016" - 2017-02-15 - 5 minute pitch held at GeoBuzz 2016 Den Bosch for the OGT Award (which we received in Category Developers!). It introduces NLExtract, a toolset to convert Dutch National Open Geodata sets to manageable formats such as PostGIS. - [Slideshare]

"Smart Emission Data Platform" - 2017-1-17 - Architecture of the Smart Emission Data Platform. Presentation given on jan 17, 2017 at RIVM, Bilthoven. - [Slideshare]

"Smart Emission - Citizens measuring Air Quality - Overview" - 2016-09-23 - Slides presented by me on behalf of Geonovum and the project on the Geospatial Sensor Webs conference 2016 organized by 52North in Münster, Germany: . Overview of the Smart Emission project with a focus on the data infrastructure, data management (ETL) and providing access to sensor data via OGC-standards (SOS, WMS, WFS, STA). - [Slideshare]

"Geospatial ETL with Stetl - GeoPython 2016" - 2016-06-24 - Explains basics of Stetl, an Open Source spatial ETL framework. More on Talk given on GeoPython conference, June 24, 2016, Basel, Switserland. - [Slideshare]

"Smart Emission - Data - Viewers - Standards" - 2016-06-18 - High-level presentation on the Data-infastructure for project-team and participating citizens at Radboud Univeristy Nijmegen, may 26, 2016 for the Smart Emission project: Het Smart Emission project draait om het in kaart brengen van luchtkwaliteit, geluid, trillingen en meteorologische indicatoren in de stad op een fijnmazig schaalniveau, door inwoners met zogenoemde burger-sensor-netwerken. (Bron: Project partners: Radboud Universiteit, Gemeente Nijmegen, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM), Geonovum, Intemo, CityGIS and offcourse Nijmegen citizens. - [Slideshare]

"NLExtract voor BAG - overview" - 2015-11-27 - Presentation given at the Day at GeoBuzz Conference on nov 25, 2015. Overview of NLExtract and in particular ETL (conversion) for BAG, the open geo-dataset for Dutch Addresses and Buildings. - [Slideshare]

"3D Breakthrough Meeting - 3D Standards progress" - 2015-09-03 - Slides presented at the Dutch Doorbraak 3D - Trekkersoverleg ( 3D Breakthrough Representatives Meetup) at Geonovum, sept 3, 2015. Trying to provide an overview of 3D Open Standards efforts and suggestions for future actions/pilots with some of the CesiumJS-based tiling standards using Dutch public open base registry data (Basis Registraties). - [Slideshare]

"Anatomy of a Web Service for Historic Maps" - 2015-09-25 - Presented at seminar Open Historic Web Cartography at Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE). See . Shows use cases for online historical maps, culminating into the need for open standards and finally open source technology to realize a blazing fast geostack for serving historical maps. - [Slideshare]

"Wandelen met GPS en De Evolutie van Navigatie" - 2015-08-24 - Eng: originally planned as a talk/workshop on hiking with GPS, but evolving into a wider talk about the evolution of navigation and Natural Navigation techniques. See also the main website: . In Dutch: Plaatsbepaling en navigatie is iets van alle tijden. Zij is mee-geëvolueerd met de mensheid. Vandaag de dag doen we navigatie met GPS via bijv “De TomTom” of steeds vaker via onze Smartphone. We dreigen daarmee echter belangrijke vaardigheden te verliezen zoals kaartlezen en het gebruik van kompas. Maar deze laatste twee middelen waren ook weer een stap in de lange evolutie van Navigatie. Zoals de meesten van jullie weten heb ik veel interesse in de evolutie van de mensheid. In die context heb ik de laatste tijd nagedacht hoe navigatie zich heeft ontwikkeld. Ik zal dit praatje chronologisch opbouwen. Dan komen we vanzelf uit bij Wandelen met de GPS waar de nadruk op gaat liggen deze middag - [Slideshare]

" - Year 2014 Highlights" - 2015-01-26 - Highlights and achievements in 2014 by, the Dutch-speaking Local Chapter of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation, Presented jan 11 2015 by Gert-Jan and Just at the NL new years party. See more presentations from that meeting on our website: - [Slideshare]

"Nederland Ontsloten! Dag 2014" - 2014-11-27 - My talk on the Day 2014 on nov 25, 2014, Den Bosch. This event was organized by the, the Dutch Language Chapter of and embedded in the GeoBuzz conference. Main subject is how to transform and visualize (unlock) Dutch Open Geo-datasets using open source tools like NLExtract (, Stetl ( In particular, there is a last minute addition on unlocking 3D data, Top10NL3D, using CesiumJS ( , an Open Source browser/WebGL-based 3D visualization framework ala Google Earth (but open and without plugins). The 3D part of this talk was also given the same day at the 3D Doorbraak workshop (Jantien Stoter et al). - [Slideshare]

"SensorWeb SOS Pilot RIVM/Geonovum - Status" - Geonovum - July 2, 2014 - [Slideshare]

"GeoPackage - Shapefile van de Toekomst" - Lightning Talk - Meetup Wageningen - 4 maart, 2014 - [HTML Notes]

"Big Data - Introduction and Research Topics - for Dutch Kadaster" - 2014-07-02 - Presentation (in Dutch) on Big Data (BD) given on Oct 10, 2013 for Dutch Kadaster. To provide an introduction on BD, what could be BD in the geospatial domain, what could be opportunities and research topics for Dutch Kadaster. A personal view, i.e. by no means that this represents opinions or positions of Dutch Kadaster. Just a clarification beyond the buzzword... - [Slideshare]

"SensorWeb SOS Pilot RIVM/Geonovum - Status" - 2014-07-02 - Presenting the status of the SOSPilot. A SensorWeb/IoT project where raw AirQuality data from The Netherlands is transformed (ETL) into Web Services like WMS-Time/WFS and in particular the OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS). Project at Geonovum with partners, a.o.: RIVM, 52 North, and IRCEL - CELINE (Belgium). Work in progress, striving for EIONET IPR and INSPIRE compliance. Combined tools like Stetl, PostGIS, HeronViewer, GeoServer, and 52North SWE-line. All FOSS. All promising tools as it all just worked, also thanks to the partners' support, within my 100-hour effort. Find more on Original version July 2, 2014. Updated with eionet-reporting and Geonovum weather station on okt 27, 2014. - [Slideshare]

"Stetl for INSPIRE Data Transformation" - 2013-10-11 - Slides of presentation given at EuroGeographics KEN workshop on INSPIRE Data Harmonization, Paris oct 8-9, 2013: Describes the Stetl ETL framework and cases of INSPIRE transformation. There is a video recording of this presentation: (first about XSLT and about halfway on Stetl for INSPIRE) - [Slideshare]

"XSLT for INSPIRE Transformation by Dutch Kadaster in ESDIN" - 2013-10-11 - Slides of presentation given at EuroGeographics KEN workshop on INSPIRE Data Harmonization, Paris oct 8-9, 2013: Describes the XSLT-based INSPIRE Transformation technique used by Dutch Kadaster in EuroGeographics ESDIN INSPIRE project (2009-2011). - [Slideshare]

"Taming Rich GML with Stetl - FOSS4G 2013 Nottingham" - 2013-09-22 - Presentation on sept 21, 2013 at FOSS4G 2013 in Nottingham (UK). Stetl, Streaming ETL, is a lightweight, geospatial ETL-framework written in Python, integrating transformation tools like GDAL/OGR, XSLT and PostGIS. Stetl targets ETL cases that involve XML and GML data, like INSPIRE data harmonization, but other transformations, even non-geospatial, can also be made. Stetl applies declarative programming: a configuration file specifies an ETL chain of input/filter/output modules. Stetl uses native calls to C-level libraries like libxml2 (via lxml) for speed. See more at Watch this presentation video recording on FOSSLC - [Slideshare]

"The Heron Mapping Client - Overview, Functions, Concepts" - 2013-09-06 - High-level introduction to the Heron Mapping Client (Heron MC). Heron is an Open Source JavaScript framework for creating web mapping (client) apps for the browser. Heron builds on/wraps standard mapping libs like OpenLayers and GeoExt. The unique feature of Heron is that a complete app is created with just a (JSON) configuration. Heron has a minimal backend, relying mainly on OGC standards like WMS, WFS and the like. This presentation was first given on behalf of the OpenGeoGroep at the OGG Customer Day on sept, 5, 2013 at Geofort, The Netherlands. - [Slideshare]

"Geospatial ETL with Stetl" - 2013-06-04 - Stetl, Streaming ETL, is a toolkit for the transformation (ETL) of geospatial data. Stetl is based on existing ETL tools like GDAL/OGR and XSLT. Stetl processing is driven from a configuration (.ini) file. Stetl is written in Python and in particular suited for processing GML. Several INSPIRE transformations have been successfully performed with Stetl. Introductory presentation given at the OSGeo Bolsena Codesprint on June 4, 2013. - [Slideshare]

"Introducing - The Dutch Language Local Chapter of OSGeo" - 2013-06-13 - Talk at OSGeo Ghent, June 13 2013. URL: Abstract (from : This talk will introduce the key players in the Open Source Geospatial arena, in particular OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. OSGeo is a non-profit organization with a mission to support the collaborative development of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use. Local OSGeo divisions, called Local Chapters, play an important part in OSGeo. The Dutch Language Local Chapter, (nl is the ISO language code for Dutch language), has been very active in the past 1.5 year and has recently become an official foundation (Stichting). The mission and activities of and its collaboration with the Dutch OpenStreetMap community will be introduced. We hope to reach out and engage participants of this day in joining! - [Slideshare]

"Navigating the Open Source Geospatial Ecosystem" - 2013-05-17 - Presentation on the Open Source seminar at the Geospatial World Forum in Rotterdam may 16, 2013. See This seminar was organized by (, the Dutch Language Local OSGeo Chapter. In this presentation I share my view on what Open for Geospatial is about. Further: laying out the FOSS Geospatial ecosystem with some major players like OSGeo, OGC and OpenStreetMap. Further on monetising, i.e. how geospatial businesses can make money with Open Source. - [Slideshare]

"NLExtract - Unlocking Dutch Open Geo-datasets - High Level Introduction" - 2013-01-06 - NLExtract, see , is a project that aims to make Dutch open geo datasets more accessible. Many Dutch nation-wide geo-datasets like BAG (Addresses and Buildings) and Top10NL (Vector Topography) are freely downloadable (e.g. via but their (XML/GML-) format is not directly usable within applications. A conversion (ETL) to e.g. Postgres/PostGIS is not trivial because of the data complexity (GML) and size (GBs). NLExtract aims to provide software tools and recipes to unlock these datasets. This is a very high-level introduction to NLExtract, given at the GeoFreedomDay ( in Amersfoort on december 15, 2012. See also for some upcoming ETL tooling we plan to use. - [Slideshare]

" - 2012 Retrospective" - 2013-01-06 - General presentation on . promotes the use of Open Source Geo-ICT within the Dutch language areas. Presentation held on GeoFreedomDay, dec 15, 2012 (Dutch). Overview of what is about and the main events that happened in our first year 2012. Includes a video though presenter could improve on presentation skills - [Slideshare]

"The Heron Mapping Client" - 2012-12-14 - Short intro to the Heron Mapping Client at the OpenGeoGroep Viewer Shootout event on Dec 14, 2012. Heron is about Web Mapping, leveraging the power of great frameworks like GeoExt, ExtJS and OpenLayers. - [Slideshare]

"Stetl: Preparing Rich GML Data for deegree - The ETL Challenge" - 2012-11-13 - Presentation given at deegree Community Space, november 13, 2012, Bonn. More and more do we need to work with rich/complex GML. How can we tame this mess ? The deegree WMS/WFS server is very suitable to store and serve rich GML, but how do we get our data in ? What spatial ETL options do we have ? Basically this is a tutorial on Stetl, pronounce staddle, with particular focus on deegree integration. NB Stetl used to be called sETL... - [Slideshare]

"5 Minute Intro to Stetl" - 2012-11-08 - 5-minute intro to Stetl an Open Source lightweight framework for handling the conversion and transformation (ETL) of in particular complex/rich GML. Stetl uses and combines existing tools like GDAL/OGR and XSLT. Python is used as glue. Users configure an ETL-process chain through a configuration. More at - [Slideshare]

" Evolution and Status Report" - 2012-09-12 - Presented at the IRL Meeting on sept 12 2012. is the Dutch Language Chapter of, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. The mission of is to spread and promote the knowledge, use and adoption of Open Source Software and -Data for Geo-information within the Dutch language area. This presentation shows the history since 2007 leading into the current status as of 120912. See - [Slideshare]

"How to get rich and save the world with Open Source - Keynote Day" - 2012-06-28 - Keynote slides used at Day June 28, 2012 in Velp, The Netherlands. See also Shows models of doing business with Open Source using a value chain. Also introduces OSGeo, - [PDF Slides] .

"GeoRambling with OpenTraces" - OSGeo Bolsena - June 14, 2012
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"The Heron Mapping Client" - 2012-06-11 - Presentation of the Heron Mapping Client at the OSGeo Bolsena Codesprint 2012. Heron is a browser-based JavaScript client for visualizaing and manipullating geospatial maps and data. Heron MC is based on OpenLayers, GeoExt and ExtJS and is Open Source under the GPL v3 license. [HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

" - Doe Mee !" - Geo Freedom Day, Baarn, NL - December 11, 2011
[PDF Slides] [ODP File] [SlideShare]

"OpenStreetMap and INSPIRE - Can the Twain meet ?" - FOSS4G Denver, USA - September 14, 2011
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Heron Web Mapping Client" - OSGeo Bolsena - June 21, 2011
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Op weg naar INSPIRE - Ontwikkeling tbv INSPIRE binnen Het Kadaster" - Geonovum - March 3, 2011
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Dutch Kadaster/Europe gets INSPIREd with deegree" - deegree day, Bonn - November 16, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Navigating Historic Maps" - JavaKnights IJsBerg Utrecht - November 5, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides 1024] [PDF Slides 800]

"The road to INSPIRE - with Open Source" - Dutch Kadaster - October 6, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Single sign-on with Shibboleth" - Dutch Kadaster - October 6, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Project Management with Redmine" - Dutch Kadaster - October 6, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Implementing INSPIRE with FOSS4G: a Success Story" - FOSS4G Conference Barcelona - Sep. 8, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"Harmonising Dutch National Geodata Conform To INSPIRE Using Combined Transformation" - INSPIRE Conference 2010. Krakov
[PDF Slides]

"Implementing INSPIRE with Free and Open Source (for Geo)" - OSGeo Bolsena - June 11, 2010
[HTML Slides] [PDF Slides]

"INSPIRE Implementation in EURADIN with Open Source" - Het Kadaster - March 23, 2010
[HTML Slides]

"The Wonderful World of Open Source Geo" - JavaKnights - September 18, 2009
[HTML Slides]

"7Scenes" - OSGEO Hacking Event, Bolsena (IT) - June 25, 2009
[HTML Slides]

"GeoNetwork Jeeves Tester" - OSGEO Hacking Event, Bolsena (IT) - June 24, 2009
[HTML Slides]

"7Scenes" - JavaKnights - April 10, 2008
[HTML Slides]

"GeoTracing" - FOSS4G - September 14, 2006
[HTML Slides]

"Pushlets" - Postbank/ING - September 29, 2006
[HTML Slides]

"GeoTracing" - Waag Killerclub - Dec 14, 2005
[HTML Slides]

"Frequency 1550" - NLJUG JSpring - May 12, 2005
[HTML Slides] [Session Description]

"Frequency 1550" - Waag - February, 2005
[HTML Slides]

"Multi-user Networking" - Deaf03 - V2 Rotterdam - 2003
[HTML Slides]

"Multiparty/Multimedia Services to Native ATM Desktops" - HPDC - August 1996
[HTML Slides]