
Just Objects B.V. is the trading name for the professional activities of Just van den Broecke .

You can find Just’s CV here. also as PDF .

Just Objects provides services for Geospatial IT , also known as GIS or Geo-ICT, with a focus on Free and Open Source (FOSS), Open Standards and Open Data.

The range of services includes: consultancy, training, development, hosting and maintenance.

Just Objects is a member of the OpenGeoGroep Cooperation .

Just is an OSGeo Charter member and founder/former chair (and still on the board) of OSGeo.nl Foundation, the Dutch Local Chapter of OSGeo.org .

He tries to be a regular OpenStreetMap mapper .

The most active part of this website should be Just’s Blog , but also checkout his contributions to “the commons” via his Open Source projects and OSGeo.nl . Latest blog posts: